US-Bundesstaaten wollen Krebsimpfung zur Pflicht machen

(ht) In mehrere Bundesstaaten in den USA werden Gesetzesentwürfe disktuiert, welche die umstrittene Impfung gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs künftig für 9-jährige Mädchen künftig zur Pflicht machen sollen.

"Hamilton said pharmaceutical company representatives approached him about submitting the [HPV vaccine mandate] bill, probably because he chairs the House Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions. Drug companies have been among the largest contributors to Hamilton's election campaigns.....Under Hamilton's bill, the first of the three-dose [HPV] vaccine series - which protects against a sexually transmitted disease - would need to be taken before girls' entry into middle school........Barbara Loe Fisher, president of a Virginia-based organization called the National Vaccine Information Center, said that group was established to help prevent injuries from vaccines and to make sure parents are fully informed about vaccinations.......Fisher said she thinks this vaccine differs from those that protect against diseases such as whooping cough and measles in that the human papillomavirus is not "easily transmittable" in a school environment. Some Michigan legislators raised the same objection when a bill was proposed making the vaccine mandatory in that state. Some lawmakers said the vaccine did not hold the same urgency as a vaccine against diseases that can spread quickly from more casual contact, such as polio, measles and mumps...." - Elizabeth Simpson, Virginian Pilot

Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:

State legislators in Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, Michigan, West Virginia, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Kentucky, New Hampshire, California and other states have simultaneously introduced bills to require pre-adolescent girls to be injected with three doses of HPV vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted infection that has no symptoms and is naturally cleared from the body by most women. In a small number of sexually active girls and women, who do not get regular pap smears, HPV infection becomes persistent and develops into cervical cancer.

Drug company lobbyists have joined with federal and state public health officials to persuade legislators to pass laws barring girls from attending elementary school unless they get the HPV vaccine. Some of the proposed state mandates would allow parents to exercise philosophical, conscientious or religioius belief exemptions and others would not.

In the U.S., there has been a 74 percent decline in cervical cancer cases since 1955 because of routine pap smears. The approximately 3500 annual cervical cancer deaths in women over 40 represents about 1 percent of all cancer deaths in American women. However, in Asia, Africa and in other underdeveloped countries, where pap smears are not routine, HPV is associated with much more cervical cancer.

If most states adopt the HPV vaccine "no shots, no school" mandate, it will mean that girls as young as nine will be forced to take a vaccine for a disease that, unlike polio or measles, cannot be transmitted in the school setting. The mandate will raise the numbers of doses of vaccine the CDC directs American girls to get by adolescence to 56 doses of 17 vaccines. There are no studies evaluating the long term safety of this policy within a genetically diverse population.

The National Vaccine Information Center issued a press release on June 27, 2006 questioning the methodology of clinical trials used by Merck to prove the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, safe to give to girls as young as nine ( The FDA allowed Meck to use a potentially reactive aluminum containing placebo and more than 85 percent of both Gardasil and placebo recipients in the trial reported one or more adverse events within 15 days of vaccination, including headache, fever, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia, asthma, and other health problems. Fewer than 1200 girls under age 16 received Gardasil in the trials and were only followed up for 18 months. It is not known how long immunity will last.

Quelle: NVIC-Newsletter vom 22. Jan. 2007 


Speaking Out Against HPV Vaccine Mandates

"Legislation mandating the HPV vaccine for pre-adolescent schoolgirls is pending in the District, Maryland and Virginia. Those who advocate it are quick to note that parents can opt out of the program. But few can say exactly how many bureaucratic hoops a parent will have to jump through to do that. Besides, why should the onus be on the parents to figure out how not to be in a government-mandated program? In New Hampshire, parents opt in -- and the burden is on the government to show how the vaccine can benefit their children....So are New Hampshire residents somehow smarter and better able to develop effective public health programs? Are they more concerned about their children than the rest of us? Hardly. What they have that we do not is the right attitude. They take their state motto seriously: "Live Free or Die," while too many of us are content to live and die as slaves." - Courtland Milloy, Washington Post

"Medical ethics require that patients have autonomy in their medical decisions, with informed consent. They have a right to know what they have, what the prognosis is, what the proposed treatment is, what the alternatives are, and what the possible side effects are prior to any treatment. Indeed, a patient has a right to say no, even if by refusing treatment they might die. I as a medical professional cannot overrule their decisions. Here we are talking about forcing a person to undergo mandatory drug therapy (vaccination), when they have no disease, under the presumption that they might get a disease based on future poor behavior. This is medically unethical.....Questions remain. As the [HPV] vaccine may not be effective in the long term, will booster shots at $120 be required? What type of world is it when a large company basically can forcibly take money from our pockets?"  - Joseph Desoto, Ph.D., Charleston Daily Mail

Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:

Congratulations to two brave Americans, who have spoken up publicly for the informed consent ethic, which includes the right of parents to make informed, voluntary vaccination choices for their children. Each undoubtedly knew how much criticism and pressure might come as a consequence, but must have chosen to speak out, nevertheless, as a matter of conscience. They and all those who stand up for truth and freedom, despite the personal or professional risk, are following in the footsteps of those who came to America to escape persecution for their beliefs and fought to create a democracy that protects minorities from exploitation by the powerful.

As we are all witnessing, proposed HPV vaccine mandates are rolling through many state legislatures at warp speed. State and federal health officials (who are supposed to be legally prohibited from playing politics) and drug company lobbyists are in state Capitols pressuring politicians to make every little girl in America get injected with three doses of HPV vaccine before becoming sexually active or be denied the right to attend school. They are voting to mandate a vaccine for a disease which cannot be transmitted in school and which will cost the parents, the states and the nation billions to prevent a cancer, which can be almost 100 percent prevented through either abstinence, condom use or annual pap smears.

Citizens in every state, who want to be free to make vaccine choices in the future, should pick up the phone, get to a fax machine, send an email or get in the car and go visit their state representatives and senators and make their voices heard. There is only one mechanism in a democracy for getting vaccine laws passed, which support the right to voluntary, informed consent: vote for politicians who will vote for freedom or vote them out in the next election.

Quelle: NVIC-Newsletter vom 26. Jan. 2007 

More States Considering HPV Vaccine Requirement

"A bill that would require sixth-grade girls to be vaccinated against an STD that causes cervical cancer is likely to meet opposition in the Texas Legislature. lthough the bill includes opt-out provisions, critics argue that the measure would take away parents' rights, send the wrong message, and cost more than many parents can afford to pay.
The drug typically sells for $150 to $200 a shot, and many private insurers do not cover it.

The vaccine, called Gardasil, targets the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the country, and the cause of nearly all cervical cancers. It causes about 10,000 cases of cervical cancer, and 3,700 deaths, in the United States each year. In December 2006, a similar bill was shot down in the Michigan legislature. California and Kentucky are also currently considering bills that would make the vaccine mandatory." - Dr. Mercola, 27. Jan. 2007

