Krebsimpfung: Texanische Abgeordnete fordern Rücknahme der Impfpflicht
(ht) Abgeordnete des US-Bundesstaates Texas laufen Sturm gegen die Rechtsverordnung des texanischen Gouverneurs Rick Perry, der zufolge alle Mädchen ab der 6. Klasse gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs geimpft werden sollen. Sie verlangen eine Anhörung aller Beteiligten, bevor ein derart einschneidender Schritt unternommen wird.
"Opponents Rally Against Texas Forcing Sixth Grade Girls to Receive Unnecessary HPV Vaccine Young GirlsSeveral Republicans lawmakers have urged Governor Rick Perry of Texas to rescind his executive order that requires young girls to be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer.
They argued that legislators should have been allowed to hear from doctors, scientists and patients before the measure was implemented.
Several bills have been filed that, if passed, would override the mandate. Perry argued that his decision would neither interfere with parents' rights nor promote premarital sex.
Perry has ordered the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to adopt rules requiring Merck's Gardasil vaccine for girls entering the sixth grade beginning in September 2008. Perry also directed state health authorities to make the vaccine available to uninsured girls for free.
Parents can opt out of these inoculations by filing an affidavit objecting to the vaccine on religious or philosophical grounds." -, 20. Feb. 2007