Internationales Mahnmal für die Opfer von Impfungen
(ht) Das in den USA beheimatete "National Vaccine Information Center" (NVIC) eröffnete kürzlich mit Hilfe von Spendengeldern im Internet ein "Mahnmal zum Gedenken von Impfopfern". Es gibt Eltern und Betroffenen die Möglichkeit, in Bildern und Worten denen, die sie lieben, zu gedenken und so gleichzeitig ein Stück Trauerarbeit zu leisten, aber auch mehr öffentliches Bewusstsein um die sehr realen Risiken von Impfungen zu schaffen:
Kommentar von Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC:
"For the past several years, the National Vaccine Information Center has been working to create a virtual Memorial honoring those individuals who have been injured or died following vaccination. Last year, we received a special donation from Maryella Loman, D.C. to complete the International Memorial for Vaccine Victims, which lives on NVIC's website at Until now, there hasn't been a formal announcement that the Memorial exists.
The International Memorial for Vaccine Victims offers families around the world a place for posting stories and photos of what happened to their loved ones after vaccination so that others can become educated about the signs, symptoms and health outcomes of vaccine reactions in order to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths. It is a publicly searchable database by name, state or country, vaccine, and primary vaccine reaction. By honoring those who are vaccine casualties, we hope to create greater public awareness of the need to value and care about the individual lives of every member of our community, because the hurt suffered by one of us hurts all of us.
Below are several vaccine reaction reports, which have already been posted to the International Memorial for Vaccine Victims, as well as a link to a news report by CBS Evening News regarding anthrax vaccine casualties. Mothers and fathers, who have lost a son or daughter or watched their child be seriously injured for any reason, are grieving in a special way with the mothers and fathers of Virginia Tech, who are just beginning the long journey of mourning, acceptance, healing and reconciliation. The co-founders and supporters of the National Vaccine Information Center extend our deepest sympathy to the Virginia Tech families, whose children died or were injured this week, as we grieve for them and with them." - Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC-Newsletter vom 20. April 2007